Stickman's II
10 Benedict Ave This store sells anything related to video games and stocks games for older systems. ReviewIf you've shopped at Stickman's II, tell us what you think of the store. ReviewsThey have been poor to me. Not like mean to me or anything - he is nice, but they are never open when I am around, and the time I come they should be open the last two times i went they should of been open and weren't. -- Justin AGAIN They always give me more than Gamestop does for trades and sell their games cheaper than Gamestop, so that works for me! -- Sandy This is one of the best video game stores I've ever been too. -- Justin I bought a guitar for guitar hero and it didn't work and we couldn't take it back. -- big black jack Stickmans II is an awesome place to go I've been to all the Stickmans and this one follows the same kind of service as the other ones. As for the comment Dave put he is probably another guy who was mad that his little sports game wasn't worth money or mistaken the place for a singles bar and wanted someone to pay attention to him. -- alucard Awesome store! They had all of the old school games I was looking for. Stickman's is known for their low prices and I love how fair they are on trades! -- heather kearney Poor customer service. Extremely poor customer service. It's not a stretch to believe that chimps could provide better service. Oh. Fair prices, however. -- Dave |